Protis TRIM fish protein from Iceland

Protis TRIM is a fish protein extracted from wild Icelandic cod
Mixed with natural fibres and chromium (III) picolinate. The fish protein is extracted using the IceProtein® technique, a hydrolysis technique where the fish protein is treated with water and enzymes before being filtered, leaving protein consisting only of small bioactive peptides.
Global research indicates that protein provides more satiety than fat and carbohydrates and that consuming protein before a meal has beneficial effects on blood sugar levels. The IceProtein® technique ensures that the protein reduces hunger swiftly. Glucomannan is a natural fibre extracted from the roots of the konjac plant. Due to its swelling capacity, Glucomannan enhances satiety and delays stomach emptying. A number of studies have demonstrated Glucomannan’s effectiveness in weight control in the context of an energy-restricted diet. Chromium is vital for the body’s energy systems due to its role in glucose breakdown. Chromium (III) picolinate has been widely used for weight control as it is believed to decrease sugar cravings.